Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Proudly presents the United States of America

> 1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on
> over twenty different countries since 1945?
> 2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?
> 3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80
> civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt,
> thereby making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle
> East history?
> 4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by
> the UN Legal Committee as a "classic case" of terrorism?
> 5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of
> Justice (ICJ) to terminate its "unlawful use of force" against
> Nicaragua in 1986,and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution
> calling on all states to observe international law?
> 6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of
> providing "direct and indirect support" for "acts of genocide"
> against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?
> 7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic
> Missile (ABM) Treaty in December 2001?
> 8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification
> process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an
> international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?
> 9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun
> trade at a small arms conference in July 2001?
> 10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world
> to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the
> Child?
> 11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty
> to be applied to children?
> 12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997
> Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of landmines?
> 13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation
> of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998?
> 14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing
> a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international
> terrorism?
> 15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United
> Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions?
> Answer to all 15 questions:
> Proudly... The United States of America

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