Einai fores pu vlepeis kati to opoio se kanei na thymitheis atoma me ta opoia exeis kairo na miliseis. Skeftesai. Apofasizeis na tus steileis ena e-mail. Exeis tosa na tus peis. Kollas. Den xereis apo pu na prwtoarxiseis. Thes na ta mathun ola. Na gnwrisun oles tis exelixeis. Mono pu den boreis na arxiseis na grafeis. Kai ta synopsizeis ola se 4 lexeis.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Einai fores pu vlepeis kati to opoio se kanei na thymitheis atoma me ta opoia exeis kairo na miliseis. Skeftesai. Apofasizeis na tus steileis ena e-mail. Exeis tosa na tus peis. Kollas. Den xereis apo pu na prwtoarxiseis. Thes na ta mathun ola. Na gnwrisun oles tis exelixeis. Mono pu den boreis na arxiseis na grafeis. Kai ta synopsizeis ola se 4 lexeis.
Monday, 10 September 2007
epoxi twn klwnwn i epoxi twn avulwn k anikanwn na skeftun
idio atomose diaforetika xrwmata k me diaforetika aksesouar.
Isws an ime tixeri na dw merikes omorfes pinelies diaforetikotitas sto
ironika mounto polixrwmo topio.
Anarwtiemai. Poy ine i diaforetikotita pou mas kanei oti imaste? pou
diaxwrizei to ine mas ap to swro?
Apelpizomai.. Psaxnw parigoria stin texni... Kata kirio logo vlepw tin
idia kiria/kirio, episis se diaforetika xrwmata k diaforetika aksesouar na
leei ta idia kai ta idia pragmata.. Psaxnw se alla idi.. Mataia.. Vlepw
ellines na mimoudai amerikanakia pou mimoudai kati pou dn katalavainoun k
pote tous dn katalavan... Apo to kolonaki sta katagwgia twn eksarxiwn kai
pali pisw.. Vlepw padou tipous maskaremenous me ta "idika" agorasmeena
rouxa gia na deixnoun alites, kafroi, filosofe psagmenoi, alkolikoi kai
ola ta iperoxa pou to MTV exei frodisei na tous pisei oti ine cool...
DEN EXW ANAGI na fwraw padeloni 500 euro mexri ta gonata katevasmeno i
skismeno gia na akouw hiphop k punk.
DEN EXW ANAGI na tripiemai olokliros kai na to paizw EMO.
DEN EXW ANAGI kanena kanali k kanena periodiko na mou pei pws na ferthw k
ti na valw gia na ime "Trendy"
DEN EXW ANAGI kanenan na me diataxei pou tha diaskedasw, pws sta
diaskedasw, ti tha akousw... na min adidrasw.
DEN EXW ANAGI na ksodevw ta lefta mu gia na deiksw pws ime kapios.
DEN EXW ANAGI na feromai pseftika.
DEN EXW ANAGI ta kanalia tous, tis mousikes tous, ta rouxa tous, ti
nootropia tous, ton tropo pou skeeftodai(an skeftodai).
Kserw ti na valw, pws na to valw, ti na akousw, giati na to akousw, ti na
agapisw, ti na misisw, pou na paw, giati na paw, giati k pote na adidrasw.
Alla kiriws kserw oti EGW apofasizw gia MENA..
DEN APEXTHANOMAI tous "trendy" gia auta pou forane, gi afta pou akoune, gi
afta pou kanoun, gia ta meri pou pigainoun kai gia to pws prattoun
genikotera. allwste kapies simperifores tous tis iothetw k egw o idios.
APEXTHANOMAI tous "trendy" giati dn ine diuki tous i apofasi gia ola afta.
Ine avouloi mimites avoulwn.
Telika zoume stin epoxi twn klwnwn i stin epoxi twn avoulwn kai anikanwn
na skeftoun, na dimiourgisoun, na ksexwrisoun... na zisoun..????
Friday, 31 August 2007
μια αλήθεια μες τις αυταπάτες
και μια αγκαλιά να με γιατρέψει
από θανάσιμες αγάπες
έχω ανάγκη να βουλιάξω
μέσα στο πιο βαθύ σου βλέμμα
απ' την αλήθεια να τρομάξω
και να φουντάρω σ' ένα ψέμα
Έχω ανάγκη να σου δείξω
πως είμαι πλέον οπαδός σου
με την παλάμη μου ν' αγγίξω
τον πυρετό στο μέτωπό σου
έχω ανάγκη να σε νιώσω
σαν μια προσωπική μου νίκη
με πόσα βράδια να πληρώσω
τη μοναξιά που μου ανήκει
Μια κρύα νύχτα του Σεπτέμβρη
ένα σακατεμένο βράδυ
μόνο τα μάτια σου θυμάμαι
δυο φλόγες μέσα στο σκοτάδι
μια κρύα νύχτα του Σεπτέμβρη
που όσο θυμάμαι με πονάει
έχουν περάσει τόσα χρόνια
μ' αυτή η αγάπη δεν περνάει
Απόψε δε θα βγω στους δρόμους
στα όνειρα μου θα σε ψάξω
ότι δεν έφυγες ποτέ σου
έχω ανάγκη να φωνάξω
σ' όποια αγκαλιά και να κοιμάσαι
εγώ μαζί σου θα ξυπνάω
την πιο γλυκιά σου απουσία
έχω ανάγκη ν' αγαπάω
Κι έτσι για πάντα θα σαλπάρω
στην πλάτη του δικού σου ανέμου
σαν νά' σουν όρκος θα σε πάρω
που δε θα πάταγα ποτέ μου
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Remembering you
What happened to you?
I wonder if we'll meet again
Talk about us instead
Talk about why did it end
You made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one
You made me feel like the one
Made me feel like the one
The one
I don't know where we are going now
I don't know where we are going now
So take a look at me now
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Proudly presents the United States of America
> 1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on
> over twenty different countries since 1945?
> 2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?
> 3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80
> civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt,
> thereby making it the most lethal terrorist bombing in modern Middle
> East history?
> 4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by
> the UN Legal Committee as a "classic case" of terrorism?
> 5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of
> Justice (ICJ) to terminate its "unlawful use of force" against
> Nicaragua in 1986,and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution
> calling on all states to observe international law?
> 6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of
> providing "direct and indirect support" for "acts of genocide"
> against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?
> 7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic
> Missile (ABM) Treaty in December 2001?
> 8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification
> process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an
> international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?
> 9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun
> trade at a small arms conference in July 2001?
> 10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world
> to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the
> Child?
> 11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty
> to be applied to children?
> 12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997
> Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of landmines?
> 13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation
> of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998?
> 14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing
> a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international
> terrorism?
> 15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United
> Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions?
> Answer to all 15 questions:
> Proudly... The United States of America
Monday, 7 May 2007
You May be Brainwashed by Corporate Media if You:
... believe $300 billion of U.S. tax money, allocated for the war and reconstruction in Iraq is actually going to Iraq .
... are unaware Iraq had 650 million barrels of oil in reserve just before the war in Iraq .
... are unaware at least $8.8 billion is known to be missing in Iraqi oil revenue from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .
... are unaware 198 million in Iraqi dollars is missing from the Iraq treasury from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .
... are unaware that war is exceptionally profitable for a small number of investors.
... believe Halliburton's no-bid contracts have nothing to do with former CEO, now Vice President Dick Cheney.
... are unaware that the Iraq war is the biggest case of war profiteering in human history.
... believe Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden.
... are unaware the U.S. has killed more than 10,000 innocent women and children in Iraq with cluster bombs and depleted uranium munitions.
... believe depleted uranium weapons are not radioactive or deadly weapons of mass destruction (they are 12% less radioactive than nuclear weapons grade uranium and very deadly).
... believe wealthy, warmongers can also be true Christians.
... are unaware stem cell research threatens the pharmaceutical industry by curing and preventing diseases which drug companies profit from by treating with drugs.
... are unaware the pharmaceutical industry is based entirely on treatment and is threatened by cures and prevention.
... are unaware the Food and Drug Administration does NO testing of food or drugs. They only set guidelines and review the testing corporations do of their own products.
... are unaware the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act has been 're- estimated' to cost U.S. taxpayers $1.3 Trillion (not the original $243 billion or the 'adjusted' $400 billion), and only pharmaceutical corporations and HMOs benefit from the increase.
... are unaware the Boston Tea party was a protest against corporate corruption (East India Company).
... are unaware our founding fathers intentionally made sure that corporations had no power over people or our government.
... are unaware corporations have fought aggressively and systematically over the past 200 years to increase their power and influence over our government.
... are unaware U.S. corporations are now protected under the 14th amendment as a legal 'person.'
... are unaware the definition of fascism is: 'The marriage of corporation and state' -- Benito Mussolini.
... are unaware well known U.S. corporate interests attempted a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
... are unaware most corrupt and wasteful government projects are run primarily by corporate contractors.
... are unaware 'less government' means paying corporate contractors three times what we pay government workers to do the same work.
... are unaware American corporations behave very differently in other countries.
... are unaware Enron and others were NOT investigated until they collapsed under the weight of their own greed.
... are unaware Bush's massive tax cuts were invested overseas to build sweat shops, factories and other facilities, where our jobs have been outsourced.
... are unaware outsourcing American jobs weakens labor unions and keeps wages low and corporate profits high .
... are unaware weak enforcement of immigration laws lowers wages in the U.S. and increases corporate profits.
... are unaware 'Free Trade' means 'Slave Wages' to poor people in Honduras, Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, El Salvador, Guatemala, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and others.
... believe America is hated all over the world because of our freedom.
... believe the massive U.S. national debt (now 8,385,490,844,524.85) created by Republican presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush does not seriously threaten the future of our children and grandchildren.
... are unaware massive national debt ensures the expansion of poverty, which keeps wages low, which increases corporate profits.
... are unaware widespread poverty keeps wages low and corporate profits high.
... are unaware weak gun control laws perpetuate violence in poor neighborhoods which expands poverty, reduces wages and increases corporate profits.
... are unaware abortions go down only when we reduce poverty, expand healthcare and improve education.
... are unaware that making abortion illegal expands poverty which reduces wages and increases corporate profits.
... believe the Michael Jackson trial deserved more news coverage than the genocide of 400,000 people in Darfur , Sudan.
... believe Social Security is the biggest priority in America .
... are unaware privatizing Social Security would be a massive give away to experienced Wall Street investors that would also destabilize Social Security.
... are unaware that NOT funding 'No Child Left Behind' is dismantling funding for schools in poor neighborhoods, which expands poverty, lowers wages and increases corporate profits.
... are unaware the Healthy Forests Initiative has led to massive clear cutting of prime lumber and almost none of the forest fire prevention that it was sold on.
... are unaware the Clear Skies Initiative has increased pollution.
... are unaware Tort Reform will absolve corporations of massive negligent liabilities for things like asbestos exposure, pollution, mercury poisoning, hazardous waste, mad cow disease and all sorts of dangerous products and practices.
... are unaware mercury pollution (mostly from coal fired power plants and medical vaccines) has caused an epidemic of Autism, ADD and ADHD in the U.S.
... are unaware the Bush administration is dismantling three decades of US environmental protection.
... believe global warming is a rumor or conspiracy.
... are unaware 'Global Warming' is causing colder weather because the melting ice caps are cooling the gulf stream.
... believe the science of evolution is less valid than literal fundamentalist interpretation of creationism.
... believe the UN scandals could have taken place without the largest, most influential member and host nation being involved.
... believe making a war monger ambassador to the UN will help prevent more wars.
... are unaware that expanding equal rights to any segment of the population (including gay people) also expands economic opportunity and puts pressure on wages, which would reduce corporate profits.
If you believe Fox News is fair and balanced, you have been brainwashed by corporate owned media
Thursday, 3 May 2007
auta loipon.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Kleidwse kai peta.
Mporume na prospathisume na akoluthisume ta egheiridia, na elegxume ti kardia mas, na ehume mia stratigiki simperiforas, omws ola auta dn hrisimeuoun se tipota. Einai i kardia pu apofasizei kai o,ti apofasizei einai nomos. Oloi ihame tin eukairia na to diapistwsoume monoi mas. Kapoia stigmi, mas etyhe na pume klaigodas : Ponaw gia mia agapi pu dn axizei to kopo. Ypoferoume giati pisteoume oti dinoume perissotera apo osa pairnume. Poname giati i agapi mas den anagnwrizetai. Ypoferoume giati den katafernume na epivalume tous kanones mas. Alla ypoferoume hwris logo, giati i agapi einai to sperma tis anaptixis mas. Einai auto pu mas kanei anthrwpous. Einai stigmes pu mas diakatehei mia aisthisi thlipsis tin opoia dn borume na katanikisoume. Antilamvanomaste oti i mera ehei perasei kai dn ehume kanei tipota, dn ehume kataferei tipota. Stenahoriomaste gia tis "xamenes agapes" kai prospathume na tis anaviwsume. Anapolume anamniseis kai psahnume kathe dynato tropo gia na tis anaviwsume. Omws i kathe prospatheia anaviwsis twn anamnisewn einai apotyhimeni. Giati poly apla oi anthrwpoi allazun. Apo oles tis apopseis. Kai akoma kai an kataferoume na xanavrume tin xameni agapi mas, tipota den tha einai idio. Gia auto to logo oi anamniseis prepei na menun katahwniasmenes sto kleidwmeno baoulaki tous mexri na kataferoume na xehasume o,ti mas vasanizei-ponaei.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Anamenontas tin anatoli
5:53: Psili vrohi. Moody katastaseis. Rock kai ilektroniki musiki. Tria atoma sto msn. Vomvardismos apo e-mail. Voltes sto jet garage kai sto court yard. Galazios ouranos. Anamenontas tin anatoli. Psyhi sto dromo. Tria peristeria. Prasino Volkswagen 9841 UGY. O ntiler apo katw. Aeras dynatos. Korniza rocky horror picture show kai afises apo picasso mehri kai superman. Smilin' troll sto pin board kai manolo blahnik ston toiho. Pulp fiction apo aristera kai iggy pop sta dexia. Kupa starbucks-LONDON- misogemati *i mipws misoadeia? Gopes svismenes se tsai kai pampalaies kokes kai sprait. Stives vivliwn pu mou dinun aera intellectual. Ntosie, xartia, simeiwseis. Olo to dekor leitourgei yper mou. Paratimeno filofax sto patwma. Jean vgalmeno apo ti katapsiksi kai jean fousta foremeni apo ton sygatiko. Anaptiras pu den douleuei kai adeio portofolii. Apodeixeis, apodeixeis, apodeixeis. Padou apodeixeis kai axrista xartia. O pigglet kitaei me oikto kai mou leei oti m agapa. Pali kala. Kai egw s agapaw pigglet mou. O iggy pop despozei panw apo to minifridge. Koitazontas me me ena ageroho vlemma parakoluthei tin kathe mu kinisi. Spiounos.
telos ebneusis
Monday, 23 April 2007
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Viva la vie boheme
Den pistevw sto theo. Den pistevw sti moira. Den pistevw sti grousouzia. Sto gouri. Den pistevw stin yparksi tis kalotyhias. Oute tis kakotyhias kai twn anapodiwn. Den pistevw oti tha kanume oloi kati sti zwh mas. Den pistevw oti eimai kalyteri apo kapoion. Oute oti kapoios einai kalyteros apo mena. Den pistevw oti kapoioi anthrwpoi einai aplws grafto na vriskontai ekei psila, sto kentro mias skinis kai egw apo katw. Oute to aditheto. Den pistevw oti o opoiosdipote igetis einai kalyteros apo ton kathena mas. Kalyteros sta psemmata isws. Se otidipote allo amfivalw. Den pistevw oti boro na kanw to kosmo kalytero. Xerw sigoura omws oti boro na prospathisw. Kanontas o,ti mikro boro. Eimai ypeuthini gia ton euato mou. Den rihnw to ftaiximo stous gyrw mou, ston theo, sti tyhi mou. Egw dimiourgw ti tyhi mou. Egw dimiourgw eukairies gia ton eauto mou. Pws? Kynigontas ta oneira mou. Kai propantws pistevontas se auta. Den perimenw apo kanenan na mou prosferei kati i na mou erthei otidipote epithimw ouranokatevato. Eimai realistria kai xerw oti otan anixw tin porta dn tha vrw brosta mou ton jude law opws i cameron diaz sto "holiday". Kata pasa pithanotita tha vrw enan tailando, mia agglida, enan agglomaltezo, enan agglo ap to blackpool, enan agglo apo to peterborough kai mia indi apo to birmingham, tus opoius, gia na leme k tou stravou to dikio, protimw apo kathe jude law pu vrisketai ekei exw. Episis dn tha vrw kanenan hartofylaka pu periehei 1,000,000 euro ute tha kerdisw pote to laheio. Den tha me dei kapoios sto dromo k tha pei "esena epsahna" kai tha mou prosferei tin douleia twn oneirwn mou. Den tha xypnisw mia mera etsi xafnika se ena yperoho spiti stin agapimeni mou poli. Giati poly apla ama dn kounisw ton kwlo mou k kynigisw ta oneira mou, dn tha kanw tipota. To mono pu tha kanw einai na xypnisw ena prwi se polla hronia, tha koitaxw ton euato mou sto kathrefti kai tha dw ti? Mia gynaika pu dn ehei kinigisei ta oneira tis, dn ehei palepsei gia auta, dn ehei eklpirosei kamia treli epithimia tis, dn ehei ginei "simantiki" opws oloi thelun na ginun. Gi auto, kouna to kwlo sou agapite mou anagnwsti kai kane pragmatikotita ta oneira sou. Palepse gia auta. Akoma k an dn ta pragmatopiiseis tha xereis oti toulahiston prospathises. Mia zwh ehume. Taxidepse, erwteusou, horepse, agapa, diaskedase, metha, zise. Let's not go with the flow. Let's make a mess.
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Hello blue sky.
Ta shedia mu gia to kalokairi einai ta exis:
1) na gyrisw stin Hellas.
2) na paw Halkidiki.
3) na paw Patra/Athina.
4) na paw Mosha.
5) na paw Parisi kai Italia.
6) na paw Veligradi.
7) na paw Bodrum.
8) na paw se ena wraio elliniko nisi.
9) na paw Samothraki.
10) na paw gia camping.
Apo auta thelw para poly ta: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8. To giati thelw to 1 einai autonoito pistevw. Oson afora to 2 k to 8, sta oneira mou kyriarhei to exis skiniko: xylini xaplwstra, ilios, zesti, gyalia, iliotherapeia, maurisma, cocktail/martini with sprite i kati allo frutenio drosistiko, wraia musiki kai THAAAAALASSA polyyyy thalassa.. To 3 epeidi thelw na paw monastiraki na agorasw handres kai sagionares tis opoies tha diakosmisw/ftiaxw moni mou, kai fysika epeidi thelw na dw enan boemi. To 4 etsi gia na min lene kapoioi-kapoioi kai to 6 gia na dw ta limeria mou. Ah ade alloi dio mines :)
Thelw diakopes, diakopessss, DIAKOPESSSS, D I A K O P E S S S S.
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Ck 1
Sunday, 1 April 2007
To proseksa molis ekana publish to proigoumeno post. Malista.. Prwtaprilia eh? Hah.. Thymamai oles tis paidiastikes vlakeies pou kaname kathe hrono tetoia mera. Kai twra? Enjoy the silence twra. Auto. Oute hara, oute lypi, oute diaskedasi, oute mizeria. Aplws routina. Kai den mou aresei i routina. Thelw na vgainw exw na diaskedazw, na pernaw kala. Mou leipoun auta. Oi treles parees. Oi treles genikws. Ta xenyhtia. Oi sizitiseis kai oi filosofies pou petusame xaramata se adeia gipeda basket, parka, paralies, kastra, eisodous polykatiwn. Episodiaka efivika hronia. Kai twra? Enjoy the silence. Enjoy the routine. O,ti kanun twra merikoi egw to ehw perasei. Kairo prin. Mi sou pw kai dyo epeisodeia brosta. Na tous afiseis na to katalavun monoi tous? Na tous afiseis na kanun ta idia lathi? Na apiivdiseis se tetoio simeio wste na adiaforiseis? Opws kai na ehei ola auta einai faseis. Oi opoies pernane. Den xanazitas tis idies peripeteies. Theleis kainouries. Ola simvainun mia fora. Kai auti i mia fora einai teleia osa lathi kai na ehei. I kathe prospatheia epanaforas einai tragiki. Den leitourgei. Den einai swsto. Oti anikei sto parelthon prepei na parameinei ekei. Ekei pisw pou anikei. Sto parelthon. Ta palia pernane kai menun mesa mas se morfi glykwn anamnisewn. Dinun thesi sta kainouria ta opoia pote den prepei na sigrineis me ta palia. To kathe pragma ehei to kairo tou kai einai monadiko. Den prepei na sigrinetai. Den mou leipoun ta palia. Exw neous filous pou agapaw para poly -elpizw to idio kai autoi- kai perimenw pws kai pws na gyrisw pisw na tous dw kai na tous agaliasw. Ta teleutaia dyo hronia itan isiha kai wraia. Me alithinous filous. Oi opoioi tha meinun elpizw. A good friend is better than Prozac. And thanks God, I have more than one :)
Skura ta pragmata. Alla egw parea me to krasi mou ta vgazoume pera. Opws panta : )
Apofasisa na apoktisw stohous.
Stohos No 1: Na paradwsw oles tis ergaseis mou me ikanopoiitiko arithmo leksewn i kathemia apo autes
Stohos No 3: Na vrw lefta. Kapws. Mallon tha efarmostei to sinithismeno beg, steal or borrow *
Stohos No 4: Na paw sto chalk-kati-allo na kanw kati
Stohos No 5: Na eimai haroumeni kai na min stenahoriemai gia vlakeies.
Stohos No 6: Na perasw ola ta mathimata.
Stohos No 7: Na pragmatopoiiwsw epitelous tous stohous mou. Pragmatwsw? I pragmatopoiiwsw? telws padwn den katehw kai exallou, ti me noiazei?
Auta. Paw na teleiwsw to krasi..
Saturday, 31 March 2007
Friday, 30 March 2007
To pastitsio
Eftiaxa ena pastitsio, ola ta lefta.
Vevaia o kimas einai aparadektos alla ti na perimenei kaneis apo to asda.
Ponaei to stomahi mou re gamwto kai den boro na faw. kai to ehw ekei na me koitaei kai na me koitaei kai na me koitaei kai na me koitaei. Kai egw ponawwww apo tis polles pizzes pou efaga.
edaxi eipa psemmata. den tha pw mono gia to pastitsio.
einai paraskeui 8:10 to vrady kai variemai. eida ta persina themata exetasewn kai frikara. ama einai paromoia, tha apotyhw snif, klaps, lygm kai ta shetika. prepei na simazepsw epitelous kai to dwmatio mou. varethika na zw se ena ahouri, alla apo tin alli na mou peis ehw tosa pragmata pou den hwrane pouthena. ax ti wraia simera girise o diplanos mou. kai apofasise na katapiastei me tii musiki tu kai prokalei ihoripansi o ilithios. ta kaimena ta autia mou k to kefalaki mou. doup doup doup. ai re vrwmoaggloi.
koitaw to sex and the city shoebox me ena poly lagno vlemma. les na paratisw ta vivlia mou gia to sex and the city???
ax gee, skura ta pragmata.
Captain America, I command you to WANK
(opoios den xerei ti simainei wank hanei to asteio tis ypothesis)
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Gia to telos lypamai
Agapito mou blog,
enas sofos anthrwpos kapote eihe pei oti ola ta wraia pragmata teleiwnun dystyhws i eutihws. Apo ekei k pera apofasizume ti tha kanume otan teleiwsun. Stenahoriomaste pou teleiwsan kai prospathume na anaviwsume tis anamniseis? Prospathume na xehasume kleidwnontas tes se ena kuti kai prospoionomaste se olus oti den mas apasholei tipota? I euharistume to theo pou mas prosfere mia tosi wraia ebeiria? Xeria psila kai ola ta ftanw... Opws kai na ehei the show must go on. Exw arhisei na pistevw pws otidipote mas prosferetai sti zwh prepei na to ektimume kai na min to pairnume ws dedomeno. Ana pasa stigmi mporoume na hasume ola auta ta "dedomena" pragmata pu ehume na haraktirizun ti zwh mas. Otidipote k an einai auta. Lefta, spitia, mia oikogeneia, ena agori i koritsi, enas filos ola boroun na hathun. Kai meta ti kanume? Egw sygekrimena? Gia to telos lypamai.
Monday, 26 March 2007
Nai e
Η μάχη είναι ουσιαστικά μια αποστολή «αυτοκτονίας» με μοναδικό σκοπό των Σπαρτιατών να κερδίσουν περισσότερο χρόνο μέχρι να προετοιμαστούν για τη εισβολή τους οι υπόλοιπες Ελληνικές δυνάμεις.
Παίζουν: Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham, Dominic West, Vincent Regan
(δεν γνωριζω κανεναν αλλα δεν πειραζει)
Σκηνοθεσία: Zack Snyder
(ουτε αυτον τον ξερω)
Οπως και να εχει, αξιζει να το δεις μονο και μονο για τα "fit" bodies που θα σε κανουν να κολλησεις στην οθονη και να απορροφηθεις απο τη ταινια. Οχι δικη μου ατακα προς αποφυγην παρεξηγησεων. Α και το description κλεμμενο απο το site του 89 Rainbow.
Geia sou..
Kalo mou blog,
prospathw apegnwsmena na syntonistw se enan elliniko radiofwniko stathmo etsi wste na ikanopoiisw tin buzuktsidiki pleura mou. dystyhws, den fainetai na ta katafernw kai poly kala. Em vevaia. I may be a victim of software counterfeiting kai pane blocked ola ta windows media player kai ta shetika. Fcuking Windows. Gia pote tha valw Ubuntu i Mac... A xehasa na anaferthw stin fwtografia. Einai mia selida pou iha scannarei palia apo ena galliko comic pou mou eihe daneisei kapote enas palios filos. Den xerw an tha fainontai oi dialogoi i an xereis gallika alla anyway egw tha to kanw upload. Winamp internet radio sucks. Olo kati cheesy musikes vazei kai den m aresei. Ax poly wraia, halase kai i lampa mou. Po po molis eipa cheesy musiki, evale sweet child of mine apo guns n roses. Ama einai etsi as paraponiemai pio sihna, mporei na mou kanei to hatiri o theos.
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long I'd probably break down and cry
Oh, Oh,
Sweet child o' mine
Oh, Oh, Oh,
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Oh, Oh
Sweet child o' mine
Oh, Oh, Oh
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine
Ti wraio tragoudi. Ti wraia musiki genikws. I rock einai kata tin apopsi mou to kalytero eidos musikis. Exei wraius stihus me noima, tus opoius otan akous se syndiasmo me ton iho tis kitharas kai twn drums kai tu bassou trelenesai. Loipon auta
Geia sou, geia sou, poios sou eklepse as xerame ti hara sou..
Gia toso mono..
Agapito mou blog, den aisthanomai kai poly omorfa. Niwthw oti ehw apelpistei kai me ehei piasei kai i maniwdis apaisiodoxia mou. Einai ashimo na haneis kapoia atoma apo ti zwh sou. Poso mallon otan den to epilegeis kai to fernun etsi ta pragmata. Kai esy? Esy prospatheis na prosarmosteis. Dyskolo. Kamia fora xehniesai alla den einai pada toso eukolo. Prepei na asholeisai me kati 24/7 ama thes na niwtheis eleutheri kai mi desmia twn skepsewn pu se vasanizun. Alla yparhun stigmes, stigmes opws auti edw pu mporei ena poly mikro pragma na sta thymisei ola. Vasika oxi na sta thymisei. Giati den ta xehnas. Pada vriskontai ekei sto myalo sou. Aplws esy prospoiise oti den yparhun. Aplws sou thymizei oti prospatheis na to xehaseis alla den boreis. Ashimi skepsi. Kai meta arhizei o kataigismos. Padou anamniseis. Vomvardizetai to myalo sou apo eikones, lexeis, protaseis, peristatika, myrwdies, ihous. Kai esy den boreis na kaneis kati. Tipota. Efoson bikes sto tripaki prepei na taxidepseis. Na yposteis olo auto to psyhofthoro flashback. Na klapseis, na fwnaxeis, na ourliaxeis GIATI. Giati poly apla den ginetai alliws. Ashimi skepsi eh? O anthrwpos thelei na pistevei oti borei na kanei ta pada. Oti den yparhei kati to opoio na min borei na epiteuhthei. Oti den yparhei kapoios stohos, kapoia epithimia, kapoio thelw to opoio na min borei na ikanopiisei. Pistevume oti ola einai dynata. Alla den einai. Koita na deis pou oneira svinune. To monadiko pragma to opoio den mporei na mou sterisei kaneis einai to na oneireuomai. To ihe pei palia enas palios filos. Koita pou erhomai sta logia tou. To monadiko pragma to opoio den borie na mou sterisei kaneis einai to na oneireuomai. Ta oneira mou. Oi skepseis mou. Oi proswpikes mou skepseis. Pragmata dika m ou. Mono dika mou. Den ta gnwrizei kaneis. Kalytera. Etsi prepei. Etsi boro na oneireuomai hwris na me krinei kaneis gia ta oneira mou. Otan omws gkremizontai siga siga ena-ena? Otan vlepeis ti zwh sou na min pairnei tin tropi pu tha itheles? Otan eheis dei ola ta oneira sou na gkremizontai to ena meta to allo ti kaneis? Synehizeis na oneireuesai? Synehizeis na pisteueis sta oneira sou? I aplws ta egatalipeis kai baineis kai esy sto tripaki? Makari na iksera. Den einai wraio synaisthima to na xereis oti eheis apogoiteusei kapoion. Poso mallon otan exeis apogoiteusei ton idio sou ton eauto. Giati mono o eautos sou den dehetai dikaiologies. Giati xerei oti einai pseutikes. Den boreis na dikaiologitheis ston idio su ton euato. Oti kai na peis tha xereis oti einai ligo kai oti kata vathos i alitheia einai alli. Mporei kai pikri. Alla opws kai na ehei einai ashimo na zeis me autapates. Kai na petas sta synnefa pisteuontas kai zitontas apiasta pragmata. Kai i apotyhia? I apotyhia den dikaiologitai me tipota. Den mporeis aplws. Otidipote kai na peis stous allus ston idio sou ton euato den pianei. Makari na ihame tin eukairia na ehume dyo meres gia na kanume oti thelume. Dyo meres stis opoies tha ihame ti dynatotita na pragmatopiisume ola ta trela mas oneira. Opoia kai an einai auta. "Tha zisw eleuthero pouli, k oxi koroido sto klouvi". Auto to tragoudi thymamai haraktiristika pu to eiha akousei na to paizun sto ouzo melathron. Kai me ihe valei se skepseis. Me eihe kanei na petaxw gia ligo sto kosmo twn oneirwn. Ekei stin ouzeri. Mehri pou me epaneferan oi goneis mou legodas mou "Ade teleiwse epitelus to fagito sou. Tou hronu pu tha pas Agglia poios tha se taizei?". Xerw kai egw. Mallon kaneis. To fagito me marane. Alla provlimata den ehume. Akoma kai to na oneireuesai apagoreuetai. Gia auto tha ithela na petaxw stin oneirohwra. Gia ligo. Oxi gia poly. Etsi apla gia na parw dunameis. Na pistepsw oti ola einai efikta. Oti den prepei na aparnithw ta oneira mou. Isa-isa prepei na prospathisw gia na ta kanw pragmatikotita. Na ta zisw. Den zitaw kai polla. Dyo meres mono. Oxi parapanw.
Gia toso mono..
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Every night with my star friends..
Polyagapimeno mou blog,
simera exodothika sto xysimo. Xipnisa arga to apogeuma, piga gia kafe kai meta gyrisa spiti. Epixirisa na ftiaxw pastitsio alla den iha oute gala oute auga. Apogoiteusi. Den peirazei, doxa to theo ehw alles 20 meres apolytis varemaras gia na ikanopiisw apolyta tis mageirikes mu anisihies. Parola auta, eftiaxa fakes kai kotopulo me rizi. Twra to pws syndiazontai auta ta dyo den xerw. Twra tha moirastw mazi sas mia syntagi pou me exei swsei polles fores.
ala Angie
(αυτη ηταν η καλυτερη φωτογραφια που βρηκα)
..we eat caviar and drink champagne *
Friday, 23 March 2007
Thursday, 22 March 2007
simera einai 22 tou minos. wraia imerominia. wraios arithmos. opou kai na gyrisw ola einai 22. To 22 tou pistofidi, 22 wres mehri to deadline, 22 einai panw katw o mesos oros ilikias twn flatmate mou, 22 tha eimai otan tha teleiwsw to panepistimio, 22 tou minos giortazw, 22 tou minos tha eiha epeteio. And I'll dance and drink and screw because there's nothing else to do. Mallon kapws etsi. Mias kai to anefera as anoixw ti byra pou ehw sto psygeio. Mporei na min exw tous palious, alla ehw tous kainourious. Kai me kanun na xehniemai pou kai pou. Na xehnaw genikws polla kai pollus. I'm off to pub.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
I like London in the rain
Ηρθε η σειρα των Portishead τωρα..ωραιο συγκροτημα, ωραια μουσικη. Αυριο θα ειναι μια ωραια μερα. ΑΑΑΑ βασικα αυριο ειναι Πεμπτη και εχω γαλλικα στις 9 το πρωι, πραγμα το οποιο ειχα ξεχασει ΤΕΛΕΙΩΣ. Γαμωτο. Βαριεμαι τα γαλλικα. Αυτη τη γλωσσα για καποιο λογο-τοσα χρονια δεν εχω καταφερει να τη μαθω. ΦΦΦΦΦ σκατα.
Οποτε I guess, this is the end. My only friend-the end.
Κονκλουζιον #1 : Η ζωη τελικα ΜΠΟΡΕΙ να ειναι λιγο ωραια.
Κονκλουζιον #2 : Αυτο δεν σημαινει ομως οτι δεν ειναι ΑΔΙΚΗ.
Κονκλουζιον #3 : Με λιγη μπυρα ολα αλλαζουν !! Μεχρι και τα πιστευω της Angie.
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
I love Juicy
I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.I love juicy.
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Αι σιχτηρ πια.
Τα χαζo-fashion victims με το ψευτο-trendy μαλλι το οποιο στεγνωνουν-κρεπαρουν-φουσκωνουν. Γενια της vodafone μη ξερασω.. Διχως ενα στοιχειο προσωπικοτητας. Μα τιποτα ομως. Τιποτα το οποιο να τους προσδιδει μια ιδιαιτεροτητα κατι ρε παιδι μου. Με μοναδικο εφοδιο τα λεφτα -του μπαμπα φυσικα-, διχως να εχουνε διολου μυαλο, ζουνε σε εναν ψευτικο κοσμο, με ψευτικους φιλους, ψευτικη ανθρωπια, ΟΛΑ ψευτικα. Με φιλιες του "κυκλου" τους απο το hi5, οι φωτογραφιες των οποιων βγαζουν ολα τα κομπλεξ και τις ανησυχιες που εχουν για ενα εξωφυλλο στη vogue, καπως πρεπει να φτιαξουν τη "cult" κοινωνια τους για να φαινονται οι αλλοι "ασχετοι". "Συμφωνησαν" λοιπον ολοι σε ενα στυλακι το οποιο ουτε ωραιο ειναι, ουτε trendy απλα το παιζουν καπως. Και βεβαια για ολα αυτα φταινε οι γονεις. Αυτοι που κατα πασα πιθανοτητα ανηκουν στο κυκλο των νεοπλουτων και ως "συγχρονη αστικη ταξη", με τις βλαχομπαροκ επιλογες τους, και τη πληρης αλλοτριωση των παντων, τους δημιουργουν ολα αυτα τα κομπλεξ. Μολις εβγαλαν καποια χρηματα βρηκαν ευκαιρια να ελευθερωσουν και ολα τα κομπλεξ τους, τις ανασφαλειες τους και τη κακογουστια τους.
Βαρεθηκα πια να βλεπω χαζα παιδακια 14χρονα και 15χρονα να βαφονται, ντυνονται, φερονται, μιλανε λες και ειναι 20 χρονων. Ελεος πια. For crying out loud. Εμαθαν τα Starbucks και χαιρονται. Βγαινουν στο Goldfish, και τα πιο "εκλεπτυσμενα" στα Applebees. Τωρα βεβαια θα τα βλεπουμε σε ουρες και εξω απο τα T.G.I. Fridays που ανοιξαν προσφατα στην πλατεια Αριστοτελους.
Αι σιχτηρ πια.
Saturday, 17 March 2007
Ε οχι ρε #*#*@()&_)@(#
1) Για καποιο λογο δεν ξερω που θα μεινω του χρονου.
2) Για καποιο λογο δεν ξερω τι θα σπουδασω του χρονου -ω ναι εχουμε και τετοια issues-
3) Ειμαι Α Ρ Ρ Ω Σ Τ Η
4) Παρολο που ειμαι αρρωστη, χθες πηγα στην παμπ και ξεσκιστηκα στα πα'ι'ντς -στελλα- και τωρα αισθανομαι σκατα.
5) Ειχε ΚΑΘΕ μερα ΗΛΙΟ και ΖΕΣΤΗ και σημερα που κανονισα να παω στο παρκο για να παιξω φριζμπι εχει ΣΥΝΝΕΦΙΑ και ΚΡΥΟ
6) Για καποιο λογο παλι αποφασισα να μην γυρισω Θεσσαλονικη για το Πασχα και επειδη ΟΛΟΙ οι ΅Λονδρεζοι΅ που ξερω θα πανε σπιτια τους, εγω θα μεινω εδω ΜΟΝΗ μου για 3 εβδομαδες. JOY
7) Η Εβελινα και η Αναστασια βρισκονται αυτη τη στιγμη στη Νεα Υορκη και κανουν MUN. ΟΧΙ ΠΕΙΤΕ ΜΟΥ ΤΩΡΑ, Η ΖΩΗ ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΔΙΚΗΗΗΗΗΗ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Κονκλουζιον #1 : Η ζωη ειναι τζι-τι-πι
Κονκλουζιον #2: Η Ανια ειναι ατυχη
Κονκλουζιον #3: Οταν θελεις κατι ολος ο κοσμος συνωμοτει εναντιον σου. Αντιγραφη απο το κοσμο της Σοφιας -μονο που ο Κοελο λεει το ακριβως αντιθετο :@ -
Κονκλουζιον #4: Ποτε μην πιστευεις αυτα που γραφουν τα βιβλια.
Κονκλουζιον #5: Ειναι προφ οτι εκλεψα τα "κονκλουζιονς" απο τον χαπι
Friday, 16 March 2007
The Difference Between Men and Women 1 |
Plenty of great equations and definitions to explain the difference between men and women.
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband ,
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand
her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a
lot more
willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Η επιστροφη μου στη τεχνη του blogging.
Σας ευχομαι μια ευχαριστη διαμονη στο blog μου.